To see more pictures, click here: San Antonio
We took a quick trip to San Antonio last week with the Dardanos. We stayed at a really fun resort with a lazy river, slides, and a sandy beach. The kids had SO much fun. On Wednesday, we took our posse over to Sea World for the better half of the day- the weather was a little ominous (sprinkling with a few downpours mixed in) so we weren't too optimistic. But, it turned out to be a perfect day with temps near 75 degrees (in Texas, in July...I know, crazy.) It was my first time going to Sea World as well as the girls' first time. We loved the shows- Shamu and her three whale friends did not disappoint. We were soaking wet after it was all over, despite sitting about 12 rows up. We got to pet the dolphins and see alot of other sea creatures (obviously I don't remember what they were or I would write it out). Very fun.
We even stopped at the San Marcos outlets on the way home (AKA the 3rd best shopping place in the world!!) and made out with our three children still in one piece and a new bed from Restoration Hardware. Check, check.
Good trips + Good friends = Priceless.