At the mall with our good friends, the Dardanos. Their son, Pierce, totally has the Tom Cruise look down- what a stud. One of our girls' favorite things to do at the mall is ride the carousel- so, we are $4 poorer for it, but its so worth it (which begs the question- who is the one making some serious bank off those one-minute carousel rides?)
Did you guys get a new camera? Those pictures are beautiful and the color is so saturated. Brian and I are in the market for a new camera (digital SLR preferably) so I was just wondering.
Yes, how did you guess? :) Brian has taken over MY blog- he takes tons of pictures every day. He got a Nikon D80 for Christmas. Its a great camera and we love it.
That is so funny, that is the exact camera we were considering. Now we just have to start saving...
that kid does do an awesome tom cruise face! sounds like you guys had fun!
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