My twin sister, Rebecca came for a visit to Dallas with her cute little boy, Oliver. They stayed for a fun and relaxing 6 days! One of the highlights of the trip was this trolley ride through a shopping/eating district in Dallas. The conductor of this particular trolley was so cute, so we had to include him in the line-up.
Some of the fun things we did included shopping in old town McKinney, a day at the mall (yes- we took all three kids!), the trolley ride, a trip to Sprinkles, a dinner at CPK with just Reba and I, and Rebecca playing at my teams' soccer game. Rebecca and I haven't played soccer together since intramurals at BYU and before that, in high school. So, it was fun to re-live the good ole' days, even if the game wasn't until 10:45 (props to Rebecca for being such a good sport about staying up so late- and for playing so dang good).
Can't wait to do it again!