4th of July ... has to be one of my favorite holidays. This year we stayed in town and kept it pretty simple. We were able to get in all the 4th's activities; a parade, hot dogs, playing in water, and of course, fireworks.
For the parade, we went to my parents' neighborhood. The town of Fairview Police & Fire department put on a great show--at the end of the parade, the fire truck extended out it's ladder and made it "rain"... and the kids loved it--it reminded me of New York where the firemen in Harlem would turn on all the fire hydrants to let the kids play & cool down. It was hot when we started the parade at 10:00, it had already reached 90. While the kids played in the water, we sat in the shade & enjoyed food & stuff.

Taylor opted to just watch the kids and keep dry ... although impossible in this humidity :)

Rachel & Taylor represented on the scooter ...

Kate and I watched the local fireworks from our house ... I set up my camera and tripod to try and get some good shots--I learned how to shoot fireworks at my latest photography class. I set it up, but Kate took all the pictures ... she had a ton of fun--she took dozens of shots, and after each one she would say, "oh dad, this is beautiful ..." Here are a couple that turned out pretty good.

Oh, question to the Jewkes family ... does this count as my "journal writing" for the week??
Kate and Taylor are getting so big! They are just beautiful! We miss you guys.
It DEFINITELY counts as your journal writing. looks like you guys had a good time. good for you guys for braving the heat.
I don't know if I agree that's journal writing. I think it need to be tangible. Maybe if you print it out....I heard you can. Those pics are awesome...as usual. Do you still have that fancy lens or did you return it?? I am soooo regretting not getting those pointers from you about photography. ugh. I am stumped with my camera.
Another round of gorgeous pictures of your gorgeous girls- all 3 of em! Good job Brian!
I don't know about the journal writing. I need some more emotion...I mean an outpouring of your soul! Cute pics...love the last one of Taylor~!
Hey guys! Your posts over the last month have been so great. I'm sorry I'm just now checking. The pics of the reunion are so great - and I love your couch. DId you ever paint? I think it would look great if you did the color of that green pillow. Like Claire said though, I do also like the monochromatic look too. So whatever. I'm sure it's too late that it doesn't matter my opinion anyway. But whatever you do, we definitely want pics. And I'm sure I'll be checking more often. I've been an absolutely terrible blogger lately. BTW - your 4th looked aweome. Were you in the parade or something? Or was there some sort of scooter race? :) Either way: AWESOME! You guys are the cutest. And I'm glad B is doing his own little photog business. It's definitely his calling in life! :) Bri - your skillz are amazing! Sorry so long. This is a month's worth of comments. It was good to see you for a minute in UT!
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