And, thanks to Hurricane Ike- for missing the north Dallas area almost completely. All of our Saturday plans were cancelled, leaving us with a less-than-eventful rainy day but with a gorgeous Sunday- as shown here. We took a walk in our neighborhood, on the trails, and found a turtle and some rolie-polies. The second picture is of Taylor "crawling like a turtle".

Glad to hear the the hurricane missed you. Good luck with the baby- delivery and names!
Hey! It has been forever since I left a comment. I still check out your blog a lot and oogle over the beautiful photography and how cute the girls look. We are stoked for you guys to have another baby! Congratulations!! We already miss you in Hawaii but will count on you the next trip!
how cute. looks JUST like a turtle.
i just know you are going to pick my name suggestion. how could you not?! it's perfect. :) kidding.
let me know your top ten list!!! Come on, don't keep us in suspense. I have been thinking about you guys with all this hurricane weather...but i knew you'd probably be ok living in Dallas. cUTE PICS. lOVE THE LIGHT
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