So, we just got back from the grocery store and I bought for us all candy, chocolate milk, sugary Christmas cereal, E.L. Fudges (per Kate's request), Frosted Shortbread cookies (thanks to Taylor), and stuff to make peanut blossom cookies- you know, the stuff I never indulge in unless I'm completely without adult supervision. :) Ask me if I will feel guilty about the absolute gluttony I will indulge in for the next two days. Nope...after all, I am 8 months pregnant, without a husband, taking care of two toddlers solo for two days, and its the weekend of my birthday.
By the way, I'm being induced on January 12th- I thought I would mark this day as the one month mark. 4 1/2 weeks until I can breathe better, eat healthier, have an excuse to NOT wear jammies all day long, bend down far enough to put my shoes on, not worry about the people who stare at pregnant people everywhere I go, and hopefully being able to look at my backside in the mirror without shaking my head.

i totally hear you on that one. i think i'm down to 2 1/2 weeks. i'd kind of prefer to just keep him inside though. i'm really enjoying my uninterrupted sleep! go the wii stuff and it's all wrapped. i'm so excited!!
4 1/2 weeks.....that's so close! And i will be there to greet the next crofts' baby. yeah!
Oh enjoy the gluttony!
And you have my sincerest empathy on the not breathing/no shoes/pj wearing! That last month is the WORST. Maybe she'll come early??
Do you guys have a name chosen?
And Happy Birthday if I forget later!
oh, yeah, that big butt thing you've been warning me about?? yeah, well, it's happened- my butt has expanded by about 3 times in the last 2 weeks.It's disgusting.
How fun! Enjoy your girls weekend with Kate and Taylor. All your yummy treats sound so good to me. Happy ALMOST Birthday!
Happy BELATED Birthday Rachel. Hope it was great! Your treats sounded yummy - you deserve to indulge once in a while. That last month of pregnancy is so hard. I don't know if you ever heard the story of my twins - they were full term and Mark weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and Melissa weighed 7 lbs 4 oz. Talk about BIG everything!! YIKES!
Amen. ANd I'm so happy you have a date for induction! What is with these TX doctors?! I've never heard of one that didn't induce, (I mean, everyone I know that's ever lived in tx, and had a baby there, has been induced.) It's been hard for me to find a doc who'll induce me at all - and that is only sad because I always go late, not because my pregnancies are horrible or anything. It's still no fun to be overdue. But good luck to ya! I'm excited for you guys.
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