7 lbs. 3 oz.
18 inches long
I wanted to give a little more information from mommy's perspective of how everything went yesterday....
First of all, I had a feeling that this baby was coming on Sunday night so I did all of the last-minute preparations around the house (cleaning, organizing, etc.) and packed a bag for the hospital, just in case. At 2:30 AM, I woke up to more-intense-than-normal contractions. They weren't horribly painful, but I knew they were different. So, I told myself I would wait an hour to see if they were legitimate. I think I waited for about 3 contractions to pass and couldn't stand the anticipation any longer...I woke Brian up, we called his mom to come over and stay with Kate and Taylor, and headed to the hospital.
As soon as we arrived-around 4 AM, I was hooked up to the monitors and it was confirmed that I was indeed having regular contractions, but was still dilated to only a 3 and not really progressing. Brian teased me for pulling a false alarm, but I was pretty convinced this baby was coming...about an hour later my contractions really started picking up intensity and I was dilated to a 4 and had hit my threshold for pain. I requested an epidural and got it around 6:30 AM at which time I had dilated to a 5. But the epidural slowed things down so around 8:30 AM, I was given Pitocin. Lauren Mae was born about 2 1/2 hours later, at 11:06 AM. I think I had to push 2 times- which made for a really fast delivery.
Yesterday was such an amazing day- I did not want it to end. Lauren is such a sweet baby and pretty adorable (in mommy's eyes). I really could stare at her all day long. I'm so excited that she is finally here and cannot wait to take her home. Kate and Taylor were thrilled to meet her as well. Kate has been #1 mom lately, giving advice on how to do everything and how to best take care of a baby. I think she'll be ready to babysit when she's say....five. Taylor is such a mommy's girl that the transition has been a little more difficult. She cried tonight when she had to leave mommy at the hospital. So sad.
Thank you for all of your congrats and sweet comments. I'm feeling pretty good and am looking forward to getting home and figuring out what life is like with 3 kids! We'll keep you posted.....

Congratulations! She's so sweet! Stats and Name ASAP!
She is beautiful! Congrats! I hope everything went well, it looks like it did!
So precious.
Adorable! Congratulations you guys. We are so happy for you!
Oh, so cute!
I love the photo of big sister Kate holding the new one...beautiful girls (including Mommy!)
Good job guys. That really is one of the prettier babies I've seen in my time. Glad everyone is well and healthy.
Congrats! What a beautiful baby! She'll fit in just perfectly with the rest of the beautiful Crofts girls. I can't wait to hear her name! So happy that everything went well. Your pregnancy seemed to fly! That means I'm right behind you! Miss you guys! Amy
WOW. She is so pretty! What terrific shots. I love the picture of Rachel smiling--how heavenly!, and that sweet look on Taylor's face looking down at her new baby sister is beyond words! Congratulations guys!
So adorable. Glad everything went okay. We are all patiently awaiting her name!!!
Yay!! Congratulations! What's her name? Can't wait for more details!
p.s. I forgot to say that she is BEAUTIFUL! Rachel looks fabulous too!
How cute! I was waiting for these! SHe does have a lot of dark hair- how precious. cute, cute pics.
she's soooo cute. can't wait to meet her!
You two sure make beautiful girls. Congratulations to everyone!... I bet Grandma Barbara can't help but giggling non-stop since the arrival of your new heavenly baby girl. :)
So is a Jane or what? Can't wait for more news!
Congrats! She is beautiful! We have been waiting to see pictures :) Love, Amanda & Jordan
She is beautiful. I love how Rachel's eyes are shining in the pictures. So sweet. Congratulations!
Beautiful - Congratulations!!
Congratulations! I hadn't heard you had her. She is beautiful. I need details! Name, size, weight, etc.!!
Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys. Three cute little girls sounds like so much fun. I am so glad I got to see her last night. I keep thinking how sweet and delicate and dainty she is. Just precious!
Hi Rachel! Congratulations - she really does look beautiful. You handle all things with such grace. I hope the next few weeks bring you lots of sleep and is an easy transition. All our love.
Congrads Crofts cousins!!!
She is Amazing!!!
LOVE the name! I was just saying the other day that I would love to name this little girl Lauren. My mom's name is Laura so it's perfect name...but unfortunately my brother took it before I could! Darn. It's such a beautiful, sweet name. And she already fits it perfectly! Congrats again! Let me know how the 3 kids thing goes. I'm so scared for that part! And Isaac sounds like Taylor...a little clingy lately. So that will be interesting to deal with when this baby comes!
So happy for you all!
Love it! Love her. She is so sweet. We miss you and are so happy for you guys. Congrats! Hope that we can meet her soon. Take care.
congrats! I'm so glad everything went so smoothly. Babies are such a miracle- she's so beautiful!
Congrats! Rachel, you are a beautiful mom! And y'all make beautiful girls!!
Love her name ... Lauren was in the running for us over here. :D
Lauren!... The name is adorable just as the name's new owner.
Is Mae a family name? By the way, Thank you for the quick update.
Congratulations!! Another beautiful little girl.
She is absolutely beautiful and I LOVE her name!!! Congratulations!!! Hope all is well!
Saw Brian at the park today and it sounds like everything went great. I have not wanted to bombard you, but have been thinking of you. We'd love to have the girls play so let me know when you need a break. I have a little something for Lauren so I'll try to drop it by in the next day or two. Congrats!
Congratulations! What a little beauty- I love her hair!
I am so impressed with how optimistic & happy you are after just having gone through labor! You are amazing. That baby is darling. I love the name. Also, Mae, that is the same spelling as my Great Grandmother. I love it.
cute! cute!! i thought her name was tessa...i like lauren too, though, and it goes with your other names well. congrats!
Beautiful! I had no idea you were thinking of naming her Lauren. Where'd you come up with Lauren Mae? I like it a lot. Good luck!
Only two pushes?! Okay, I'm jealous! She is so beautiful
Wow! Please tell me your first took you longer than that. My 15 hours is seeming pretty unfair at the moment. Great job and those picture...i can't get over it. THey're awesome. You are so lucky to have a husband that enjoys taking pictures and is incredible at it.
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