Can you see the fear?

The girls and I (Brian) went bowling on Saturday ... haven't been in years. My valentine dates and I went to Main Event while Rachel picked up her mother (in town for Lauren's baby blessing). We had a great time, but it's probably safe to say Kate & Taylor should stick to ballerinas and barbies. Form was good--especially Taylor's, but it seemed difficult for her to stay in our lane ... she'd walk up, get ready to throw, and then step side-ways to our neighbor's lane, then throw. Definitely some confusion going on. Then Kate--she'd get a foul for stepping over the line, lose a turn, then complain about Taylor getting "two throws." Again, lots of confusion. We also did a "movie roller-coaster ride" which freaked both of them out ... I guess it felt pretty real.
Love these girls!
only a man would talk about "the form" of a 3 year old bowling! that entry made me laugh! heard the blessing was great and the girls adorable!
bowling is pretty fun, except with kids (unless youre feeling VERY patient). fancy bowling alley. the girls look so cute!
it's amazing how even for a simple family activity your pictures can still look so stunning! All the lights and colors...looks so cool! And your adorable girls help a bit too! ;)
FUN! I love bowling with the kids. Kind of a waste of money in the skill department (meaning, they're not really honing any skillz), but it's some good entertainment. I wanna see some blessing pics of Lauren!
Hey Brian-
I don't know if you remember me or not. I was Nora and Amy's roommate at Ricks. Anyway I found your blog off of Nora's blog. Your photography is awesome!!! I am a photographer now too. I was also wondering how you get your pictures so big on your blog. If you get a chance I would love to hear back from you. You have a very cute little family and congratulations on your new baby girl. I just had a baby boy a few months ago. I know what you mean by the no sleep thing. It is killing me lately.
I am glad you liked the bows, sorry i didnt delete you address, I tried, but for some reason I cannot figure out how. You may have to from you end, or if you know how let me know. haha i am a little slow when it comes to computers. take care
Oh my gosh, that made me laugh! Hey, sorry about getting back to you so late. I am just now learning about all this blog stuff. I know where have I been?
You look absolutely amazing as well and you have had three kids my friend. I totally agree with you, child birth is so cool. I really do love it too. Gees, your next kid is just going to come out on its own without any of your help. I can't count how many times I pushed, for an hour at least though.
It's been really fun for me to get a glimpse into your world...blogging's so fun. I'm really happy we got a hold of each other. You and Rebecca are my oldest friends and I have some pretty funny memories of our times together. Like remember that time when.........never mind. Oh my gosh that makes me laugh so much. I just had all these flashes of memories of us and none of them should be put in writing. We were seriously mischievous kids!
So you’re coming to Park City next month? It would be a total blast to come see you and your family. When are you planning on coming exactly? There are a couple of things going on in March (Wendy's having baby #4 and Ava's blessing)but besides those things, we're pretty free.
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